The importance of preparation
Research suggests that the quality of preparation before a psychedelic experience has a direct correlation to the benefits individuals receive from the session. Adequate preparation can contribute to a more positive and transformative experience.
Studies have shown that individuals who engage in thorough preparation tend to report greater psychological insights, emotional healing and long-term positive changes compared to those who approach the experience without it.
This underscores the importance of mindful and intentional preparation as a crucial aspect of maximising the therapeutic potential of psychedelics.

What to do?
Here are some suggestions that are designed
to help you create the optimal mindset for the journey ahead.
Mindful in your Body
Embrace clean and nourishing food. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods, and limit sugar and salt intake.
Consider reducing or avoiding animal products in the days leading up to the ceremony.
Say no to drugs, alcohol, and caffeine at least 1-2 days before the ceremony.
Mindful in your Mind
Engage in mindfulness practices such as yoga, meditation, journaling, creative art, connecting with nature and breathwork to center your mind.
Digital Detox for Mental Clarity
Minimize social media usage, news consumption, and screen time in the days leading to the ceremony.
Create a serene mental space by avoiding external influences that may impact your state of mind.
Connect with Your Intentions
Take some time to reflect on your intentions for the ceremony. How would you like to approach the experience? How can you best support yourself leading up to the ceremony?
Practise self-care
Look at the preparation process as an opportunity to check in with your self-care practices.
Where do you need to put more focus in?
What is lacking in your routine that you could potentially benefit from?
Where do you need to set some boundaries in order to preserve your peace of mind?
Which behavioural or thought patterns need some adjustment?
It's important to focus on the things that help bring you a sense of readiness for the upcoming experience.

So how does your psilocybin journey play out?
After our initial conversation and a screening process, follows your preparation time.
At the day of the session, I will come to a location of your choice - a place that
brings you a sense of comfort and instinctual safety.

Preparing the medicine
I will have prepared the truffles beforehand and once I am at yours, I will warm up some water and prepare them in a warm drink. That way is easier for your body to digest the truffles and get the psilocybin start working soon.
After a short meditation and opening the sacred space, you will slowly begin to drink the medicine while sharing your intentions for the ceremony.
The Journey itself
The truffles will begin to take effect about 20-60 minutes after consumption. You will most likely experience a growing level of visually-beautiful synesthesia.
Once you are ready, I will invite you to lay in your comfortable space with your eyes covered, and journey inwards.
I will then sit back and begin to hold space for you while the music will be guiding you.
From here, the truffle does its magic, and I do mine. It is up to me to ensure you are feeling safe, and not to intrude in your experience. I might use some tools and techniques that help guide you in moments when you need extra support.

Recover, Relax, Reflect
After about 4 hours, you'll start coming down from the journey. This will be smooth and gradual. There will be enough time share how you feel or simply sit in silence, while landing. Once I make sure that you are safe on your own I will leave, and you are free to spend the evening however you like. You will be hungry, and you will have a lot to process, so it is my recommendation not to plan anything for that evening. Perhaps journal, perhaps just relax, perhaps just eat. It is up to you.
The next phase in your process is your integration...
The Journey continues...
Being able to integrate the insights of our psychedelic experience is essential to the healing process.
In the days and weeks following the plant medicine ceremony we have the opportunity to bring the clarity of mind and openness of heart into practice - how we live our everyday lives is what impacts our wellbeing the most.
Scientists refer to this temporary state as the window of increased neuroplasticity that typically lasts for a couple of weeks. During this time, the brain is more adaptable and receptive to new information and behavioral changes.
This heightened neuroplasticity offers a unique opportunity for individuals to integrate insights gained during the psychedelic experience into their daily lives.
By engaging in thoughtful reflection, therapy, and mindfulness practices during this period, we can harness this increased plasticity to solidify and incorporate transformative experiences, ultimately promoting personal growth and well-being.
Some tips on how to stay connected to the energy of the ceremony afterwards: talk about your experience with people who are open to listen, support and understand you; meditate; journal; spend some time in nature reflecting on your newfound sense of being; discover new ways to connect with and express your creativity.
We will be in touch for an integration call and any other way I can support you throughout this process.